Course Content
The NLP Coaching Trainer’s Training
About Lesson
  • The NLP Coach has a high degree of patience, has very little (if at all) intoler- ance and prejudice, and utilizes the Client mistakes for learning.
  • The NLP Coach strengthens and supports the accomplishments of the Client with rewards when they achieve their intended purpose.
  • The NLP Coach understands the importance of and puts special emphasis on the fact that we all are in the process of perpetual development and learning and that this process never ends.
  • The NLP Coach understands that building a successful relationship with your Client is essential (lots of rapport). This relationship is based on honesty, open communication, feedback and 100% responsibility for the outcomes on both sides (the NLP Coach and the Client).
  • The NLP Coach recognizes that besides the goals and objectives projected and planned for the coaching, the overall growth in the Client’s self-confidence, ca- pability and ability to self-control his performance supersedes the more mun- dane goals.
  • In NLP Coaching, the development of the distinct personality of the Client re- garded as an individual is essential.
  • The NLP Coach maintains a positive projection of his Client’s success. Percep- tion is Projection. The Client cannot actualize behaviors which the NLP Coach does not believe to be true.
  • The NLP Coach absolutely believes that any Client can succeed and achieve his outcomes and he knows if he cannot believe this he will refer the Client to someone else.


  • The NLP Coach understands that this relationship is collaboration, and as such it implies 100% responsibility on both the NLP Coach and the Client.
  • The NLP Coach allows uncritically the Client to achieve the goals and objec- tives put forth in whatever way he can. (Personal attributes and characteristics, background, as well as personal preferences and private preoccupations, etc, even if personally irritating to the NLP Coach, should be left out of the coaching process.) In coaching the focus remains on context-related behaviors and un- less the above mentioned attributes and characteristics or extra behaviors in- terfere with the goals and objectives for the coaching, the NLP Coach should leave them alone.
  • The NLP Coach recognizes the importance of immediate VS delayed feedback and utilizes both continuously for the purpose of mirroring back to the Client his output behaviors and to improve further output.  The NLP Coach will create situations in which the Client will have the chance to produce more output be- haviors and as a result to get more feedback.
  • The NLP Coach understands that most important coaching tools are responsi- bility, accountability, commitment and clarity of one’s goals.
  • The NLP Coach recognizes the importance of tasking as a vital coaching tool. Tasking is an effective way of conferring value on an experience.
  • The more difficult it is to get on path to success, the more participants are likely to value it and view it favorably regardless of its real quality.
  • Ditto, the more expensive it is.
  • The more obscure and convoluted the subject, the more profound it must be.
  • The NLP Coach also understands that it is not, however, so much the qual- ities of the task which are significant, as the amount of effort which the Client has to put in: so the same qualification may well be valued more by one Client who had to struggle for it than a Client who sailed through.
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