Course Content
Day 1- Creating Everlasting Transformation
One of the core beliefs of Human Needs Psychology is that it’s not our conditions but our decisions that shape our destiny. So the question becomes: What shapes our choices – both in the short term and in the long term? Answer: There are three factors – three moulders of meaning – that shape all the decisions we make at the moment. Patterns of physiology. How you use your physical body such as breath, posture, movement, etc. Patterns of focus. Whatever you focus on, you will feel.Consistent focus = consistent feelings. Patterns of language/meaning. As soon as we put words to an experience, it changes the meaning of our experiences. Emotional pain is always the result of constructing and creating a disempowering meaning within ourselves. By changing our physiology, focus, language/meaning, we can shift to a more empowering state and make more empowering decisions. Rather than talking to an individual about some mind principle or thought process, it may be just as (if not more!) efficient to shift their physiology. You begin to change their body by moving their breathing or perhaps by taking someone depressed on a walk. Suddenly, you can focus on something new and come up with a new way of seeing their situation that wasn’t available to them before. Another example: If you’re focusing on what you think has been “done” to you, you feel very different than if you’re focusing on what you can give in this situation.
Day 2 – Guaranteed Success Formula
Before allowing yourself to change, ask yourself three questions: 1. What do you really need and want? • What are the top two needs (of the 6 Human Needs) that you value most? 2. What is preventing you from getting it? • What state are you in? What is your current Triad? • What is your Model of the World? What beliefs and/or emotional patterns drive your Blueprint most often? 3. How can you get from where they are to where they want to be? • How can you employ the 7 Master Steps of Lasting Change most effectively to help create lasting transformation?
Day 3 – Personal Power by believing in seeing
What changes your life is using your Personal Power to make better decisions. The difference in the results that people produce comes down to what they’ve done differently from others in the same situation. Different actions produce different results. Successful people may not always possess outstanding knowledge or talent, but they have the habit of taking action using the resources they have at their disposal. They don’t major in minor things. Everything that happens in your life – the things that thrill you as well as those that challenge you – begins with a decision. It’s in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped. The decisions that you are making today will not only shape how you feel, but also who you are going to become in the future. Demand more from yourself than anyone else could ever expect. The Ultimate Success Formula It’s not important initially to know how you are going to create a result; what’s important is to decide that you will find a way, no matter what. The Ultimate Success Formula is a process that helps to get you where you want to go: 1. Know your outcome. 2. Get yourself to take action by deciding to do so. 3. Notice what you’re getting from your actions. 4. If what you’re doing is not working, change your approach. Role Models To save time and energy, use role models to accelerate the pace of your success: 1. Find someone who is already getting the results you want. 2. Find out what that person is doing. 3. Do the same things, and you’ll get the same results. Remember, it’s impossible to fail as long as you learn something from what you do!
Day 4 – Why you do what you do?
All human beings have different desires, but we are all driven by the same set of needs. Understanding the 6 Human Needs can allow you to tap into your “Driving Force,” discover all you’re capable of and become truly fulfilled in your day-to-day life. The 4 Classes of Experience 1. We usually think of a Class I experience as a “peak life experience.” It • feels good, • is good for you, • is good for others • and serves the greater good. 2. Most people want to avoid Class II experiences, but mastering them brings us the most joy, growth and fulfillment. A Class 2 experience • does not feel good, • but is good for you, • is good for others and • serves the greater good. 3. Nonproductive Class III experiences provide immediate pleasure but eventually destroy our quality of life and give us ultimate pain. Drinking excess alcohol could fit into this category. A Class 3 experience • feels good, • is not good for you, • is not good for others and • does not serve the greater good. 4. People often indulge in Class IV experiences as a result of peer pressure, conditioning or old belief systems. Smoking cigarettes, for example, usually doesn’t feel good the first time, yet many people continue to do it. A Class 4 experience is something that • does not feel good, • is not good for you, • is not good for others and • does not serve the greater good. The secret to a happy and fulfilled life is learning to convert Class 2 experiences into Class 1 – making the process of doing them feel good as well as be good.
Day 5 – Know the darker and brighter side of you
Day 6 – How we make decision and and take actions?
In addition to using your physiology, the other way to manage your emotional state is to control and direct the focus of your mind. 1. The way you feel and what you experience in your body comes from what you focus your attention upon during a given moment. 2. At any moment, you are “deleting” most of what is going on around you. To feel bad, you have to delete (not focus on, not think about) everything that’s great in your life. To feel good, you have to delete the things you could feel bad about. This process of deleting is an important part of how the mind maintains the balance in one’s emotional state. Undirected, however, it can wreak havoc in your day-to-day experience. 2 Ways to Control Focus To manage your states, there are two things you can control with respect to focus. When you change either of these, you immediately change how you feel. 1. What you’re picturing in your mind. 2. How you’re picturing it (e.g., dimension, brightness of mental pictures). Our Questions Determine Our Thoughts How you evaluate things determines what you focus on: 1. Evaluations are nothing but questions you ask yourself. 2. Your state – and ultimately, your life – are the result of the questions you ask. 3. Therefore, the most powerful way to control your focus is through the use of questions. To manage your states via focus, you must control the questions you ask yourself. 1. Eliminate limiting “endless loop” questions such as “Why can’t I ever succeed?” “What’s the use?” or “Why me?” 2. Continually ask yourself questions that empower you. Ask questions that will uplift your spirit and push you along the path of human excellence.
Day 7 – Physiology and Images in Mind
Day 8 – Inner conditioning
There are three decisions you’re making every moment of your life, either consciously or unconsciously. Developing the capacity to transform anything in your life depends on how aware you are of these decisions that you’re making all the time: 1. First Decision: What Are You Going to Focus On? Every moment of your life, you have to decide what you’re going to focus on. If you don’t consciously choose where to point the lens, your brain just defaults to what it usually focuses on. Most people focus on what they’re afraid of, and whatever you focus on, you feel. So if you keep focusing on what you fear, you bring it into your life. As you think about it, it becomes alive inside of you. 2. Second Decision: What Does This Mean? The minute you focus on something, your mind has to come up with a meaning for it. From an evolutionary standpoint, the human nervous system has to know: is this going to mean pain or pleasure? Whatever meaning you assign to an experience, that experience becomes that meaning because you make it real in your body and mind. As with your focus, if you don’t consciously choose what things mean, your old patterns show up. Come up with an empowering meaning, and you change how you’ll feel. 3. Third Decision: What am I Going to Do? Once you focus on something and give it a meaning, it then produces an emotion. Those emotions inform what you do and trigger action or even non-action. If you’re angry, are you going to do something different than if you’re feeling grateful? If you’re fearful, worried or stressed, are you going to do something different than if you feel determined, curious or playful? It all comes down to these three decisions. They’re shaping your life moment to moment, whether you know it or not. If you take control of them, everything changes. Begin today. You don’t have to wait to be emotionally fit in order to start down the path that will lead to your Breakthrough. You have to decide to raise the standard of what you expect for yourself now. You have to decide that it’s time to go to the next level.
Day 9 – Discover your pattern
Day 10 – Re-Patterning Process
To gain full control of your life, you must discover your core beliefs, change those that are limiting you and resolve any conflicting beliefs. How to Change a Belief To change a belief you must do the following: 1. Identify the belief you want to change. 2. Link enough pain to your current belief so you automatically move away from it. 3. Identify a new empowering belief. 4. Link massive pleasure to the new belief. 5. Condition the new belief by “rehearsing” (mentally picturing and feeling the effect) over and over again how your life will be better with this new belief and how painful it would be to keep the old belief. 2 Simple Core Beliefs to Adopt 1. “The past does not equal the future.” 2. “There is always a way if I’m committed.”
Day 11 – Go for it make it a practice
Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. Goal-setting is an important process to help you design the life you envision to live and to help you create energy and momentum. The process of writing your goals is just as important as immediately following through with the development of a plan and taking action toward its fulfillment to keep the momentum going. Categories of Goals 1. List your goals for personal development. • Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’re committed to accomplishing it, e.g., within one, three, five, 10 or 20 years. • Select your top three personal development goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to achieving this goal within the next year. 2. List your things goals. • Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’re committed to acquiring it, e.g., within one, three, five, 10 or 20 years. • Select your top three things goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to acquiring it within the next year. 3. List your economic or financial goals. • Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’re committed to achieving it, e.g., within one, three, five, 10 or 20 years. • Select your top three financial goals, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to achieving it within the next year. 4. Think about any other important areas of your life such as your body / health, relationships, career / mission, contribution, and spirituality. List any goals you have in these areas as well. • Next to each of these goals, write down the time within which you’re committed to acquiring it, e.g., within one, three, five, 10 or 20 years. • Select your top three goals in these areas, and under each one, write a paragraph describing why you’re committed to acquiring it within the next year. Remember: It’s not just achieving a goal that matters but the quality of life you experience along the way. Achieving goals by themselves will never make us happy in the long term. It's who you become as you overcome the obstacles to achieve your goals that gives you the deepest and most long-lasting sense of fulfillment.
Your Personal Breakthrough Program
About Lesson


Some believe that only certain people are always happy, no matter what happens in their life, they always seem to enjoy life.

But the truth is, anybody has what it takes to be live and lead a happy, resilient life and the potential to lead in any environment.

Resilience in our personality & our relationships with ourselves and everyone else comes in various forms and contexts.

Whether you are a manager of a team of people, a parent who wants to positively take control of their lives or desire to be a catalyst of positive change for anyone or any group, there are countless opportunities to step up have a tremendous impact. One thing is for sure now more than ever…the world needs more authorities, the authorities who work in the awareness & evolution of the human mind!

In this program, being a supervisor doesn’t mean simply “being the boss” or “being in charge.”

Throughout the next 11 days, we will be looking at personal growth from a unique perspective. In this program, we would closely look at behaviour as the ability to influence thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviours, and emotions.

Imagine that you can make a profound difference with any individual, group, organization or situation you encounter. What if you were able to significantly motivate a team of people to do better, produce exceptional results and be more fulfilled than ever before?

Or perhaps you were able to help someone – a family member, co-worker or friend – discover what is stopping them from getting what they want in life and how to breakthrough? Or what if you could help a person in trouble significantly turn their life around?

If you’ve ever wished you could make a real difference – in your own life, someone else’s, your team, your family, your community or the planet – you are in the right place!

Come along us to learn how to become an effective “agent of change.”

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