The Art of Raising a Mindful Child

I have been raised in a house that embraced tolerance, non-judgment, or mindfulness.

I know that many kids in the houses around us weren’t raised the same way.

I wanted to raise my child like how I was raised.

I think my confidence, leadership skills, and planning and implementation skills came from those upbringing skills.

Though I have seen many of my friends navigating through insecurities, inabilities to cope and understand, their weaknesses stem from the disconnect they have felt as a child. 

On the contrary, my parents loved me and wanted me to thrive; they created an independence that took me to a new level..

Yet as a parent now, I want to better for my children even from that level.

I also realize that when the child is better, the world has better things to offer because a child is the little human alone in the universe and a valuable piece of the puzzle that is our world.

So I guess the question is 

What can we do to raise our children to be the people they need to thrive, not just as little sponges walking around the house absorbing every experience and forming a mindset and a memory, but to thrive as adults with who we trust our land, air, and the universe with?

Here are five things that we use and coach the families of The Relationship Transformation Academy to be more mindful and kind

1. Volunteer.

It’s vital to let our children know that no matter where we are in our lives that someone is living a life, not like their own. 

In a child’s head, it’s straightforward to see everything, and everyone, as equal, and that’s one of the most beautiful, pure thoughts that can exist.

Rejoice in that incredible idea for a moment. 

Now knowing this, it’s so important to raise conscious, thoughtful people. Take your child to the local nursing home, animal shelter, food bank, and old age shelter and ask what we can do?

Let your child feel involved in society either by spending time with someone who needs it or by taking care of an animal in the animal shelter or sitting with those who are alone. 

It’s so inspiring to see the smiles on the faces of people who have not seen children for a long time because children bring smiles and youth. 

They make us feel young, capable and remember what it was to be young. Some people look forward to it every year, especially around the festival times. 

So does the children who come into this practice.

Our children feel their appreciation, their gratitude. 

These are the moments everyone would remember. 

This is what life is all about. 

So go sign up and practice good living by being a volunteer.

2. Know your neighbours.

Check out your local paper or their website or Facebook and find some local events. 

Something is always happening. 

  • Parades
  • Runs 
  • Farmers Markets
  • Clean up the neighbourhood days 
  • Festivals 

Not your thing? Great

Then, that’s precisely why you should go and get your children involved in this.

Often the things we believed just weren’t our thing evolves. 

Let you be the role model for your children who see you step out of your comfort zone and into the world so that they can follow in your footsteps. If your child wants to stop along the way, let them. 

Exploration leads to understanding. 

Understanding leads to knowledge and conversations that could reveal crucial things to teach your child about the world around us.

Let our child know the importance of knowing your local farmers or vendors by their names, and let them interact with your child for some time till you’re choosing your vegetables. 

Let your child be a part of the community by being present and curious.

Always encourage your child to ask what, how, where and who? 

 It could be tiring moments, yet they are the most important in raising a child.

As tiring as these moments can be, they are the most important. 

How interesting would it be for your child to go and share these stories and experiences with their friends the next day at school, who knows that It inspires other children & their parents to join hands with you?

3. Trust your creative child

Show your child that we can express ourselves at any age, have fun, and be silly sometimes. 

Google is helpful sometimes.

In our house, we have a variety of projects that are always opened up and ongoing.

Our recent projects include:

  • A kitchen garden for outdoor fun.
  • Painting the tree stems.
  • Making a stand for our budgies.

This is enthusiastic and interesting for our children but also get them involved and help us brainstorm as a family to decide on the art and science behind these projects.

4. Visit the library

It’s as simple as that. 

The library not only serves the knowing your neighbours but also to be creative in mind.

Any crafting, cooking, painting book brings togetherness.

The library acts as an anchor for your child to believe where they need to go to find answers. 

Let your child be mindful that Google is not always the answer provider, and like google library is also free, with free books and accessible information. 

Let your child dig the shelf, explore the world, with you, just down the street.

5. Making Giving your habit.

It’s similar to number one as being a volunteer.

It’s so important to let our children know that not everyone has what we have. 

Even when we don’t have much, we have to remember there is someone with even less.

Wouldn’t it be an ideal world if every child had a warm coat, gloves in the winter, a pair of shoes, or clean socks?

And beyond ideal, wouldn’t it be a beautiful world if they all could go to bed at night and have a stack of books to read, a warm blanket to wrap around themselves, and a stuffed animal to snuggle with? 

I think so too.

Again, the strength is leading by example. 

Let your child know you are going through your clothes, books, and housewares to donate. 

While you do it, talk with them about how it will help others and how important it is to share what we have with those we live near. 

I urge you to bag up those pants that are too big or too tight, the winter coat you haven’t worn since the new one you bought, the stack of books that you haven’t even noticed in months.

The more you give, the more your child will see how they could help too.

Of course, every child loves to get and while giving a birthday present to your child let them know about those who are not getting their gifts.

Ask your child, 

“Don’t you think another little boy would love a teddy bear too?” 

“You just got a new coat for school. Wouldn’t it be nice to give the old one to some little boy so he can be warm this winter too? Children love other children.”

When they can visualize another child loving what they have loved, it excites them. 

It excites them because it is exciting. 

Let them make the decisions on what they are ready to part with. 

This will make them feel like the giver, and that is important for a lifetime of giving.

So let them take the lead on what they are ready for with your gentle guidance.

Our mission on this planet is to help you in leaving the past behind and creating the future with you, so you can live happily in the present and embark on the journey of fulfilling life.

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