Spend Quality Time for guilt-free life

Mum, do you agree that every child has a certain needs that only their parents can provide. Send quality time to be even more happiness!!!

For mum, for women, from the moment we hear their heartbeat, it gives us the feeling of having an angel that’s very much dependent on us.

Mum Spend Quality Time for guilt free life
Spend Quality Time for guilt free life

Giving birth to an adorable baby, nursing them, and then eventually being with them for every journey of their lives – we can just tell how amazing this role as a mother is to your children.

As our children grow, we eventually realize that more than any toy, clothes, stuff or material things, the number one need of our children is our time and attention.

Most of the time, women have this guilt because they are not able to spend quality time with their children because of busyness.

We became unaware that we are neglecting to provide the most essential thing for them. Whenever we miss a very important milestone, achievements or celebration, it makes them feel that they are less important.

Do you feel guilty or not?
If not, well, congratulations, and may you continue what you have started!

But for those who are feeling this guilt, please don’t be sad.

You still have a chance to make things right by trying to spend quality time with your kids.

Let me share with you a few things that might help you become successful in raising your children through spending your most precious time with them.


Remember that being a mum means you are their model.

They look up to you and they want to be like you someday.

For them, you are the best mum in the world, and they are truly proud of you!

So, to make a lasting impact to your children, while spending your time with them, you must give them a good example that they can follow. Most of the time, they hear us louder through our actions than our words.

So, let us not confuse them with our conflicting deeds and words.

As children, they believe that everything we do is right, they are very observant and imitate what they see, so let us be careful on what example are we giving them.


Being a mum means you are their mentor. Your children may not tell you this, but they actually want to learn from you.

So, if you are having guilt because you are neglecting the mission of educating and training your kids & not spend quality time, you can start doing now.

You just don’t tell them what they do wrong, you must show them how to do it right, which is far more meaningful than just pointing out what’s wrong with them.

Through that, they will feel that you are deeply concerned for them to learn things. From simple house chores to having the right attitude towards life, they will surely acquire it from you.

So, never get tired of teaching and training them and one day, you will be thankful that you did. Also, it is essential that we support their learning and provide them an environment that cultivates growth for them.


Being a mum means you are their source of many sweet and loving memories.
If your children will be asked, what are their childhood experiences with you, what do you think would be their answer? Sad to say, many children can’t think of any because their mums just work every day and no more special memories were shared with them. Again, your children want your time and attention. You laugh with them, play with them, tell your stories to them, sing and dance with them, have a vacation with them – all of those memories will be treasured and cherished in their hearts forever. When they grow up and have their own families, they will have many stories to tell because you have given them a lot of memorable and fun experiences – and it’s priceless!

Despite the daily loads that you carry, busy schedules, and tons of duties as a mother, remember that your children are blessings to you and you have to spend quality time.

Enjoy and treasure them as long as you can!

Make them feel that they are so much loved and valued. Hug and kiss them more often, your physical touch gives them comfort.
Always appreciate them, your words of encouragement motivate them to strive harder. Correct and discipline them if necessary, this will lead them to understand the consequences of their actions. And simply be with them when they need you, your presence alone helps them feel they are secure.

So, if you are with your kids now, why don’t you spend quality time by hugging and tell them that you love them?
You’ll see how it will brighten their lovely faces.

Go ahead! ????

Our mission on this planet is to help you in leaving the past behind and creating the future with you, so you can live happily in the present and embark on the journey of fulfilling life.

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